17. Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy 2024
The 17. BSSSE will take place as a virtual event on the 5 afternoons of Aug 15, 16, 26, 28 and Sept 02, 2024.
It consists of a series of “webtorials”, i.e. interactive tutored discussions in small groups. Participation is free of charge but requires online presence throughout the course.
Target audience: The BSSSE are primarily addressed to medical postgraduates and junior researchers (age usually up to 40 years) with a special clinical or scientific interest in epilepsy.
Topics: All topics relate to the curriculum of the ILAE Epilepsy Academy. They include EEG (Norm variants and artifacts; Recognizing spikes), Imaging (MRI and other imaging methods in epilepsy), Pharmacotherapy (How to use ASM monitoring; Where are we with the newest ASM generation?), Status epilepticus, Epileptic aura, Epilepsy and mental handicap, Subjective factors in epilepsy treatment, Münchhausen syndrome, Neuropathological aspects, and Case-oriented study (2 sessions with distinguished tutors).
Format: The BSSSE will accept 40 participants who work in 4 groups of parallel webtorials. Webtorials are a strictly interactive format where a small group works with a faculty member. Active participation is expected and encouraged by the tutors. Fluency in English is a precondition. Webtorials are not recorded for later use.
Registration: Participation is free of charge, and participants will be accepted on a first come – first served basis. The deadline for applications is June 15, 2024. The application must include an application form and a CV plus a one-sentence presentation to be given to the tutors.
Certificates: Certificates will only be given upon request to participants who are present at all webtorials and who fill in the mandatory course evaluation. For information and application please contact: Petra Novotny, BSSSE office: petra.novotny@epilepsiestiftung-wolf.de
Deadline for applications: June 15, 2024
Here you can download the programm of 17. BSSSE.