
Publikationen aus von uns geförderten Forschungsprojekten


Dunkel H, Strzelczyk A, Schubert-Bast S, Kieslich M. Facial emotion recognition in patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. J Clinical Medicine 2023;12:4101,

Meyer S, Langer J, Poryo M, Bay JG, Wagenpfeil S, Heinrich B, Nunold H, Strzelczyk A. Epileptic status in a pediatric cohort (ESPED) requiring intensive care treatment: A multicenter, national, two-year prospective surveillance study. Epilepsia Open 2023;8:411-424

MacKeigan K, Feja M, Meller S, Deking L, Javadova A, Veenhuis F, Gernert M. Long-lasting antiseizure effects of chronic intrasubthalamic convection-enhanced delivery of valproate. Neurobiology of Disease 2023; 187: 106321


Braga P, Mameniškienė R, Guaranha M, Zeissig EV, Samaitienė R, Özcelik EU, Bogacz A, Lin K, Gardella E, Yacubian EM, Baykan B, Legnani M, Beniczky S, Nacickienė E, Jasionia A, Lunardi M, Falco G, Wolf P. Cognitive tasks as provocation methods in routine EEG: A multicenter field study. Epileptic Dis. 2021; 23: 123-132, doi: 10.1684/epd.2021.1248

Özçelik EU, Lin K, Mameniškienė R, Sauter Dalbem J, Siqueira HH, Samaitienė R, Zeissig LEV, Fonseca jr AF, Alves JM, Lunardi MdS, De Queiroz LP, Zubaniçiūtė E, Wolf P, Baykan B. Perceptions of modulatory factors in migraine and epilepsy: a multicenter study. Frontiers in Neurology 2021; 12: 672860.

Feja M, Meller S, Deking LS, Kaczmarek E, During MJ, Silvermann RB, Gernert M. OV329, a novel highly potent γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase inactivator, induces pronounced anticonvulsant effects in the pentylenetetrazole seizure threshold test and in amygdala-kindled rats. Epilepsia 2021; DOI: 10.1111/epi.17090


Beniczky S, Conradsen I, Henning O, Fabricius M, Wolf P. Automated real-time detection of tonic-clonic seizures using a wearable EMG device. Neurology 90 (2018) e428-e434

Mameniškienė R, Wolf P. Precipitation and inhibition of seizures in focal epilepsies. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 18 (2018) 275-287

Beniczky S, Conradsen I, Wolf P. Detection of convulsive seizures using surface electromyography. Epilepsia 59 Suppl 1 (2018) 23-29

Backofen-Wehrhahn B, Gey L, Bröer S, Petersen B, Schiff M, Handreck A, Stanslowsky N, Scharrenbroich J, Weißing M, Staege S, Wegner F, Niemann H, Löscher W, Gernert M. Anticonvulsant effects after grafting of rats, porcine, and human mesencephalic neural progenitor cells into the rat subthalamic nucleus. Experimental neurology 310 (2018) 70-83


Lunardi MS, Lin K, Mameniskiene R, Beniczky S, Bogacz A, Braga P, Guaranha MSB, Yacubian EMT, Samaitiene R, Baykan B, Hummel T, Wolf P. Olfactory stimulation induces delayed responses in epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 61 (2016) 90-96

Beniczky S, Conradsen I, Pressler RM, Wolf P. Quantitative analysis of surface electromyography: Biomarkers for convulsive seizures. Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (2016) 2900-2907


da Conceição PO, Guaranha MSB, Uchida CGP, Carvalho K, Guilhoto LMFF, De Araújo-Filho GM, Júnior HC, Wolf P, Yacubian EMT. Blinking and eyelid myoclonia: characteristics and correlation of eylid movements. Seizure 24 (2015) 12-16

Beniczky S, Conradsen I, Moldovan M, Jennum P, Fabricius M, Benedek K, Andersen N, Hjalgrim H, Wolf P. Automated differentiation between epileptic and non-epileptic convulsive seizures. Annals of Neurology 77 (2015) 348-351

Handreck A, Mall EM, Elger DA, Gey L, Gernert M. Different preparations, doses, and treatment regimens of cyclosporine A cause adverse effects but no robust changes in seizure thresholds in rats. Epilepsy Research 112 (2015) 1-17

Yacubian EM, Wolf P: Orofacial reflex myocloni. Definition, relation to epilepsy syndromes, nosological and prognosis significance. A focused review. Seizure 30 (2015) 1-5


Beniczky S, Conradsen I, Moldovan M, Jennum P, Fabricius M, Benedek K, Andersen N, Hjalgrim H, Wolf P. Quantitative analysis of surface electromyography during epileptic and nonepileptic convulsive seizures. Epilepsia 55 (2014) 1128-1134

Yacubian EM, Wolf P. Praxis induction. Definition, relation to epilepsy syndromes, nosological and prognostic significance: A focused review. Seizure 23 (2014) 247-251


Conradsen I, Moldovan M, Jennum P, Wolf P, Farina D, Beniczky S. Dynamics of muscle activation during tonic-clonic seizures. Epilepsy Res 104 (2013), 84-93

Muhle H, Helbig I, Frøslev TG, Suls A, v.Spiczak S, Klitten LL, Dahl HA, Brusgaard K, Neubauer B, De Jonghe P, Tommerup N, Stephani U, Hjalgrim H, Møller RS. The role of SLC2A1 in early onset and childhood absence epilepsies. Epilepsy Research 105 (2013) 229-233

Film „ES GIBT NUR EIN ICH UND IM ICH VERWEILT MEINE SEELE… Ein Dokumentarfilm über junge Erwachsene mit Epilepsie“ (Regie: Kristin Nahrmann, 2013)

Kasper BS, Kurzbuch K, Chang BS, Pauli E, Hamer HM, Winkler J, Hehr U. 2013. Paternal inheritance of classic X-linked bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia. Am J Med Genet Part A 9999:1–6


Beniczky S, Guaranha MSB, Conradsen I, Singh MB, Rutar V, Lorber B, Braga P, Bogacz Fressola A, Inoue Y, Yacubian EMT, Wolf P. Modulation of epileptiform discharges in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: An investigation of reflex epileptic traits. Epilepsia 53 (2012) 832-839

Conradsen I, Beniczky S, Wolf P, Jennum P, Sørensen HB. Evaluation of novel algorithm embedded in a wearable sEMG device for seizure detection. 1. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Aug 2012: 2048-2051. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2012.634361


Conradsen I, Wolf P, Sams Th, Sørensen HED, Beniczky S. Patterns of muscle activation during generalized tonic and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures. Epilepsia 52 (2011) 2125-2132